From Other Women


From highschool, where she tries it just for kicks, to the glittering world of high fashion, Madeline learns the mysteries of sex — From Other Women

Ride a tortured merry-go-round with this passionate Lesbian who jumped on young and is too frightened to climb off!

This art was flipped from the cover for Warped


Time To Embrace

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She Was Torn Between Loyalty And Desire

From the back:

Kay Marsh was in love
for the first time in her
life. She was ready to
abandon everything for
Lorenzo, a handsome,
Mexican primitive, who
hod aroused her as no
other man she hod ever
known. Yet, she hesitated
to betray her neurotic husband.
Tied to Edward and his nightmare world, she was
drown irresistibly to the beauty, vitality, and promise
of Mexico. But her passion
for Lorenzo precipitated a
chain of events she was
powerless to halt.


Bewitched by a Voodoo Priestess

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Adventure February 1966

This was the very first cover I ever posted, back on December 6, 2010, but I found a higher resolution scan, so I am updating it.

It also includes Bikini-Watching Guide to Scandinavia, The Girl From Fanny Hill, Night Life on the Dead Sea, and Sex and the Mature Man

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