Love Hunters

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The pulse-stopping story of a decent town’s struggle against its own sin-bent people
The surfing crowd started early and loved fast — as it love were going out of style

From the back:

The Town Was Shocked…
at its wealthy young beachniks like Angela Pencoast, who offered her husband to other women but held on to her lovers, like teenage Sara, who fled from boys to men in her desperate search for happiness,  like Paul Kemp, who was living down a legend of lawless love, like big kid Stoney, who liked older men’s wives.
The Town Was Shocked…
by its own “good” people like married Helen Quinn, who found a new young love on the beach, like Helen’s husband, Harry, who hunted for young girls on the beach, like Grant Rennick, who could not trust himself on the beach, like Jessa, Grant’s wife, who trusted herself — too much to stay faithful?
The Wild And Wealthy Surfing Crowd Flipped the Town As If It Were A Coin. It Fell Right-Side Up — But Only After Ridding Itself Of The Surf Angels


The Departure

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Wayward Youth In A Pleasure-Mad World

From the back:

In this tempestuous novel of “lost youth,” you will meet these daring, unconventional women!
Tisha — whose innocence became her undoing, when she offered herself once too often…
Karen — who knew a man. when she saw one-even if it wasn’t her own husband…
Frances — who was tired of playing house, and wanted a real man-woman relationship.
And the cynical young men who recklessly helped them defy the conventions.
