Attack of Brazil’s “White-Devil” Headhunters

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One Yank Builder Who Fought The Amazon’s “Tribe Of Lost Savages”

Also featuring; We Fought The Blood-Crazed Boars of the Smoky Mountains! Two Tennessee Outdoorsmen vs. The South’s Most Murderous Man-Killers…

via via via

The “High Rollers”

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… motel shackups… Las Vegas goon-killers… girls with a top price on their bodies… tough action on every page…

Also includes New Style Passion Pits, Back-Seat Girls of Lover’s Lanes, Our Secret Cong-Killing Army: Capt. Ray Parker’s Savage Head-Hunting “Nuns”, You and the Sexually Mature Woman, and last but not least, I Worked On Russia’s Co-Ed Fishing Fleet


Free The Women of Love Captive Stalag

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Why is that Nazi officer painting flowers on a woman in her underwear? Because he is JUST THAT EVIL!

Also featuring ‘Rotten Meat Bootleggers’, ‘The Thrill-Kill Pack’, and ‘Why You Girls Turn Into Unbridled Sex Kittens: The Bedroom Rebels’


Edit: Added original/alternate artwork. Clearly, it is a different version of the same scene. via

Update: SubtropicBob noticed the same thing, but he had the artist’s phone number, so he called and asked what was up with the nude variant. It seems that someone bought the original painting years ago and repainted it with nudity in an attempt to increase its resale value. He also included the interior artwork for this coverstory, which I have now added here.