Lust For Love / Pound Of Flesh / Love Peddler

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Beacon #BB141 1954

This was her burning compulsion — to bestow rapture, and then pain!
She Gave Herself, But Not Her Soul!

There was nothing she wouldn’t do to sell — and nothing she wouldn’t sell!
A daring expose of how a girl can buy a career — and sell her soul!

Revenge Was His Passion — Girls His Prey
The Book That Dares To Tell The Truth About Sin For Sale!

This popular illustration was used on the cover of three different publications: Lust for Love (Intimate #16, 1952); then, altered to its present state, as Pound of Flesh (Intimate #45, 1952); and lastly, as Love Peddler (Beacon Books, #BB141, 1957).

It is amazing how much this painting was altered. In an age before Photoshop, that meant actually painting over it. Even the glass she is holding changes!

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Eyrie of the Golden Goddess

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Jungle Stories April 1943
Jungle Stories - Summer 1950

Ki-Gor — Jungle Lord gambles primitive courage against the blood-mad man-pack

This cover was reused for the Summer 1950 issue, The Beast-Gods of Atlantis

Ki-Gor — Jungle Lord pits Congo cunning against the most ancient Evil on earth

The complete 1950 issue can be downloaded here.

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