Also featuring A Juvenile Delinquent’s Rampage: The Savage Life Of Binnie Welch, Unsung Battles Of The Meatball Brigade, and finally Counter-Spy John Pollack’s ‘Impossible Mission’ “Go To A Bordello In Panama City…”
Also featuring A Juvenile Delinquent’s Rampage: The Savage Life Of Binnie Welch, Unsung Battles Of The Meatball Brigade, and finally Counter-Spy John Pollack’s ‘Impossible Mission’ “Go To A Bordello In Panama City…”
Bully Hayes – another right bugger – from my neck of the woods. But like Monk Eastman above his painting bears no resemblance to the truth. In fact Monk was short for Monkey because he was so ugly. Too ugly to sell Pulp covers anyway just as Bully Hayes was a Demon amongst the Pacific Islands being the infamous Blackbirder that he was (among other nefarious things) so not a good Pinup Boy for even the worst of the Pulps……and who the feck was Binnie Welch!!