Have Love, Will Share

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53211807059-Monarch Books 195, 1961

One Look At Her And You Got The Message…

From the back:

Marriage Counselor Seton could always tell other people —the frigid, the over-sexed, the lesbian, the nymphomaniac—what to do about their marriage problems. Talk was his stock in trade.
But what good is talk when your own marriage is on the rocks and you don’t really care? What good is talk when a nymphomaniac decides to blackmail you into satisfying her abnormal need for loving? What good are words when your wanton sister-in-law thrusts herself naked into your bed?
Here is a powerful novel of marriage-on-the-rocks made to order for all those who enjoyed THE CHAPMAN REPORT

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Roadhouse Girl


She offered free lust to every highway bum!

Sin-bait Rosalie started her career as a waitress in The Flamingo, a shady roadhouse just outside Grove City… It was here that she met the underworld czar who took a liking to her and initiated her into the cesspool of lust-crazy living – a life of – Passion & Death!
