Also, Texans Are Lousy Lovers
Category: Covers
Incredible Escape from the Nazi Nightmare
Cuddle the Corpse
via the artist
A Gun in His Hand
Two Women … Two Guns … And Two Deaths to Die
Is It Always Illegal to Kill a Woman?
A Mirror of Witchcraft
The Witch Finder
Under the guise of religion he tortured women who defied him and men who ignored his “righteous” cause
The Wife Next Door
Atomic Blonde
This entire issue can be downloaded here
The Peeper
Sex Fiend
A doctor’s realistic report on the darker side of love and sexual impulses gone wild
From the back:
In a frighteningly large number of people, the sexual impulse does not receive healthy gratification. It is channeled into other. darker pathways, to become a compulsive force that can transform human beings into monsters. Hiding behind a placid smile, the sexual deviate may become so warped that murder enhances his enjoyment of. and sometimes becomes the substitute for, the act of love.
In this compelling study. Dr. Woodward examines, via minutely fleshed-out case histories. convicted criminals whose misdeeds arose out of the tortured convolutions of their sexual needs.
The Sad-Eyed Seductress
Unwittingly, He Trained a Dolphin To Kill The President of the United States
It was only a matter of time…
Galaxy of Terror
Blood on the Brand
The Exciting Story of a Mounty and a Girl-Scout Practicing Ballroom Dancing!