https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/21515677-38-DeadlyBeloved-658x1061.jpgSome men deserve to die. TILL DEATH DO US PART… Marcy Addwatter killed her husband—there’s no question about that. Shot him dead in the motel room where he was trysting with a blonde hooker. Shot the hooker, too. But where the cops might see an open-and-shut case, private eye Michael Tree—Ms. Michael Tree—sees a conspiracy. … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/deadly-beloved/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Deadly Beloved</span></a>
Some men deserve to die.
Marcy Addwatter killed her husband—there’s no question about that. Shot him dead in the motel room where he was trysting with a blonde hooker. Shot the hooker, too. But where the cops might see an open-and-shut case, private eye Michael Tree—Ms. Michael Tree—sees a conspiracy. For Ms. Tree, digging into it could mean digging her own grave…and digging up her own murdered husband’s.
via Hard Case Crime