Dwellers In The Mirage (1965)26147320878-a-merritt-dwellers-in-the-mirage-1965-pbk https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/26147320878-a-merritt-dwellers-in-the-mirage-1965-pbk.jpgvia info headinginfo contentvia
I like the covers best that are overcrowded with figures and action and here is a good example with Vikings, what look like Romans, Female warriors scantily clad of course! and a monster. CLASSIC! Who would NOT want to read this book?Reply
I like the covers best that are overcrowded with figures and action and here is a good example with Vikings, what look like Romans, Female warriors scantily clad of course! and a monster. CLASSIC! Who would NOT want to read this book?