Merit Books 632 1962“If it takes one man or if it takes a thousand, I am getting what’s coming to me!” Edit: Added an odd photographic recreation of this cover by Mala Land, who apparently does a lot of this sort of thing. via
21992482-4368112495_3930f8e5d7_b“If it takes one man or if it takes a thousand, I am getting what’s coming to me!” Edit: Added an odd photographic recreation of this cover by Mala Land, who apparently does a lot of this sort of thing. via
21992481-4368112495_3930f8e5d7_b_-_Copy“If it takes one man or if it takes a thousand, I am getting what’s coming to me!” Edit: Added an odd photographic recreation of this cover by Mala Land, who apparently does a lot of this sort of thing. via
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“If it takes one man or if it takes a thousand, I am getting what’s coming to me!”
Edit: Added an odd photographic recreation of this cover by Mala Land, who apparently does a lot of this sort of thing.