https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/15073146801_f55bc563e3_k-658x1147.jpgThe girl in the bathing suit was his wife and the man kissing her, his boss… as well as their host for what promised to be a long and rather strange Holiday Weekend via
https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/15076256095_17fe476ed4_k-658x1136.jpgThe girl in the bathing suit was his wife and the man kissing her, his boss… as well as their host for what promised to be a long and rather strange Holiday Weekend via
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The girl in the bathing suit was his wife and the man kissing her, his boss… as well as their host for what promised to be a long and rather strange Holiday Weekend
Red-White&Black art signed by Michael Lowenbein.
Art by Michael Lowenbein (1935-2009) confirmed.
Signature on a 1970 cover here :