Private Detective Stories May 1944 entire issue can be downloaded here via
Private Detective Stories May 1944 entire issue can be downloaded here via
This entire issue can be downloaded here
The artist is Allen Anderson as per the David Saunders’ A.A. checklist in Illustration No. 18.
Allen Gustav Anderson. It’s now at the point of an instantaneous knee jerk reaction, except out my mouth (blurting out, “Anderson.”) However, there’s no need to take my word for it. Just look under one of the ducks.
Btw, she might have missed and hit the baby! I wonder if nunchucks were invented after a martial artist saw this particular baby toy in ancient China?
Every time I see this cover, “Rubber ducky, you’re the one. You make bath time lot’s of fun. Rubber ducky, I’m awfully fond of you.” pops into my head.
“Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, you nong! Can’t you see a child prodigy! Just look at that cow and those precision drawn ducks!! Another David Attenborough in the making. What sort of an orderly are you anyway?!”