All Star AS74 - 1966’m Tired Of My Husband. I Want A Man, Not A Boy. I Want Sex, Not Love! From the back: Consumed by the burning desire for illicit thrills, they lived in a strange beds [sic] and unnatural partners. Black and white men and women, they intermingled as if there were no RIGHT way at all. … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Nights Of Forbidden Fruit</span></a>
I’m Tired Of My Husband. I Want A Man, Not A Boy. I Want Sex, Not Love!
From the back:
Consumed by the burning desire for illicit thrills, they lived in a strange beds [sic] and unnatural partners. Black and white men and women, they intermingled as if there were no RIGHT way at all.