Pleasure Island (1966)

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It was a paradise of passion where women were seductive innocents. The Yankee sailors came to prey on British shipping. They stayed — willing captives to wanton pleasure…

Not related to the 1950 book of the same name.

Original artwork courtesy of its owner, Taneleer Tivan. Cover via

Sin Beach

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Pillar Book PR 816, 1963 thumbnail
Pillar Book PR 816, 1963

Passion Ruled This — Sin Beach

From the back:

They were the bare—the very bare—essentials of the simple life as lived on Fire Island . . . where all inhibitions were drowned in the frothy, flesh-filled surf of unleashed desire! Dick Marron fled there to escape the passion-pods of Greenwich Village . . and found every enticement to evil the beatnik Eden had to offer matched and bettered by the completely unchained inducements to sin dreamed up by Islanders with nothing to do but spend their twisted desires and renew their torrid energies on the beach … on the sand . . . by the sea of sin . . .

via via

Strange Are The Ways Of Love


She’d come to New York to find someone to love. When she met Mike she thought he might be the one. Then she met Laura

From the back:

Jan had never been with a woman before — but she had often wondered what it would be like. Too often. The idea terrified her — and fascinated her. She could neither accept it nor leave it alone. She knew she could not go on like this forever. Perhaps that is why she went into that strange little bar in the Village that night. Then she met Laura. From the moment her eyes met the challenging gaze of the lovely red-haired girl sitting at the bar, Jan knew the thing she had to so long denied has about to happen.
