‘Cancer’ is what they call the lion, who tracks them by the smell of cigarette smoke.
Murder on The Miller Road
Almost Never On Sunday: The Life of a Stripper — The Backstage Story
Also, ‘New York’s Lesbian Sex Parties’ and ‘The Plane They Couldn’t Kill’
Pattern for Panic / Avontuur in Mexico
The Mystery of the Dragon’s Shadow
To Hell With Posses, Courts, and the Law!
Also, ‘The Devil Pilot’s Jinx Crew’ and ‘How Do You Stack Up Sexually?’
Rumble At Rush Hour!
Wildcat Adventures
I am sensing a theme here.
I Like Danger
The Case of the Stuttering Bishop
Heavy Heavy Hangs
Fry Me In Acid
Also, The Woman and the Whip: Last Stop on the Paris Underground, The Dolls Who Make The Dice Behave, and The Hot-House Hussies Who Teased A King!
Monster of the Casbah
Also, Boudoir Brigadier and Are You A “Love Coward”
The Shadow’s Car Chase
I Took A $250,000 Dive
… into a leopard!