https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/3293472451-raft-of-despair-lion-ll-134-1954-author-ensio-tiira-artist-stan-borack-658x519.jpgThis painting of a lone man on a life raft surrounded by sharks was used for both the cover of a book — Raft of Despair by Ensio Tiira (1954) — and for the cover of the December 1956 cover of Men magazine. via
https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/21358678-Men_magazine_December_1956_cover_art_by_Stan_Borack-8x6.jpgThis painting of a lone man on a life raft surrounded by sharks was used for both the cover of a book — Raft of Despair by Ensio Tiira (1954) — and for the cover of the December 1956 cover of Men magazine. via
This painting of a lone man on a life raft surrounded by sharks was used for both the cover of a book — Raft of Despair by Ensio Tiira (1954) — and for the cover of the December 1956 cover of Men magazine.
Jaws art by Stanley Borack.