The Time And Place

Midwood 32-433 1965 thumbnail
Midwood 32-433 1965 back thumbnail
Midwood 32-433 1965
Midwood 32-433 1965 back

They were no longer able to remain teacher and pupil, no longer able to deny the truth of their desires.

The seething story of three people caught up in a web of passion and emotion and sensuality within the walls of an exclusive Parisian finishing school.

Monique… the student, too young and too naïve to realize until too late what drew her to this strangely alluring and exciting older woman.

Irene… the teacher, incapable of denying herself the pleasure and passion that only this lovely and fragile girl was capable of making possible.

Douglas… The intruder, determined to prove that his brand of love could overcome and destroy this girl’s unholy devotion to another woman.

What Each Learned Could Never Be Taught In A Classroom.


South of the Bordello (The Lady from L.U.S.T. #8)

The Lady From L.U.S.T. #8 Tower 44-171 (1969) thumbnail
25845360-Rod_Gray_South_of_Bordelo thumbnail
The Lady From L.U.S.T. #8 Tower 44-171 (1969)

This entire book can be read online here

From the back:

(Lady From L.U.S T. #8) is the wildest one yet. This time Eve Drum goes down to Mexico to infiltrate the weirdest bunch of drug-taking terrorists ever bribed by Red Chinese gold. Known as The Walking Dead, and led by a sinister, sex-crazed Cuban, El Aparecido, their aim is to change Uncle Sam’s image from world leader to dirty old man. Eve s assignment is to stop them any way she can. Oh Oh Sex gets the job done in her own inimitable way. The World’s Sexiest Spy was never in better form—and what a form she has as this merry, murderous caper races from Tijuana brothels to the final showdown in the Zombie HQ. This one has everything—gorgeous girls in mortal combat torture by aphrodisiacs, human sacrifices, supernatural horror. As usual, Eve handles everything that comes along—and, man, what a way to go.

Printed in U.S.A.

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Unfaithful Wives


They Played — And Then — Paid!

A Sultry Novel Of Unbridled Lust

From the back:

One Slut Deserves Another

While her husband was away, Rita Sharpe would play. Sometimes with her stupid, but strong gardener. More often with slick Norman Williams. Yet she was no worse than bosomy Sandra Thomas! Sandra slyly cheated with practically every man who came along … not excepting Rita’s own rugged spouse….

His name was Fred, and he was perfectly willing to make the most of a wife — anybody’s wife. He could not foresee that thanks to smooth Norman, the cozy situation would explode into a frenzy of hate and wild brutality. In the end Fred was forced to deny both Rita and Sandra — and gamble his life on the sinful need of still another unfaithful woman!


Stolen Woman (1961)


What Happens To A Woman When She Is Abducted By Lust-Crazed Men Who Mean To Subject Her To Every Indecency Their Warped And Twisted Minds Can Devise?

I have a feeling we are about to find out. From the back:

COPPERY hair — lush and comely body — gay, provocative mannerisms . . . these were Anne’s attractions. Yet she could not deliver the high-potential passion promised by her creamy curves. Charlie Donaldson, her husband, in desperation turned to the warm embraces of a cute waitress. Her name was Francy, and she could do more for him in a minute than Anne could do in a night . . .
Meanwhile, a pair of mill-hands — inflamed by liquor and a black-haired cocotte called Marjorie —launched a plot of their own. One sin led to another, until they cornered beautiful Anne and dragged her off to a shack in the hills.
There they had their sport with Anne. They subjected her to every brutality, every indignity, drunken beasts could inflict on a woman. At last Charlie arrived to rescue his wife, was forced to witness the proceedings. He saw that she was worse than Francy, worse even than the degenerate Marjorie. For Anne’s eyes were alight with fiery lust. She welcomed these cruel, humiliating embraces. She was learning the meaning of passion, and liking it . . . !
