So Lovely My Sweet, To Die Screaming!

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Man's Escape June 1963 thumbnail
Man's Escape June 1963
Man's Escape June 1963

Also includes Handmaidens Of The Lash Of Lust, Men Under 35 — America’s Biggest Bust, I Led The “Pink Panties Platoon” Against Cuba’s Butchers, Hungry Money Mogules Are Killing Baseball, and You Are A Potential Sex Killer.

With our patented training program, you too could slay women with sex!

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Count Me In

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An Explosive Novel Of Twisted Passions

From the back:

“Baby, You’re Jailbait!”

They met at a waterfront dance. She was pretty, but her cheap clothes labeled her as a shanty-town girl. She didn’t look 18. But when she clung fiercely to Matt Kovacs down on the beach, he was ready to believe anything. Later he asked, “How old are you?” Her answer filled Matt with shocked fury. “Stay away from me, baby. Your’re jailbait.” But she didn’t stay away, and Matt left town. When he returned ten years later, he found her a lushly beautiful woman, waiting to ruin him no matter what the cost!


China Coaster

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52481307593-Popular Library #522, 1952

In All of Shanghi, She Was The Number One Port-Of-Call

Easy To Love And Hard To Forget

From the back:

When rough, tough Mike O’Connor smashes his way into Red China’s sinister underworld in search of a brutal killer, the twisted trail leads him through opium dens, “flower houses”, and slave markets — to a lushly beautiful white adventuress and a blood-chilling climax. 

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