Hot Rod

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Speed… Danger… DEATH!
The thrill-packed story of a daring young driver.

From the back:

When Bud Crayne got behind the wheel of his souped-up jalopy he knew he could count on his rod doing a sweet, easy 120 miles an hour. And he knew he could count on his trigger-fast reactions to drive his way out of trouble. The kids idolized him, his friends envied him, and La Verne Shuler was his girl.

The Invisible Empire

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Operator #5 - May 1934

Jimmy Christopher, along with his father, ex-Operator Q-6 and his faithful sidekick, Timmy Donovan, must seek and destroy an invisible air-borne fortress aiming to destroy the United States, and bring the entire country into the control of the Yellow Empire.

The Atlantis has not touched ground since it took to the skies over a month earlier. Sailing high amidst the earth’s stratosphere, it has ripped planes from the sky, and sent poisoned gases to the ground, wiping out American citizens below. Can Operator 5 save the President’s son from a chilling demise? Will he find this frozen fortress and end the havoc it seeks to spread?

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