Make Mine A Shroud


Men became Bodies; But she had a body without a shroud! and what a body

From the back:

This is just the beginning of a whirlpool that drags Nick Cranley down into a never-ending vortex of excitement, hampered by tough mobs that mean to get what they are after; police that mean business; and gals that mean business too — but not the same kind.


White Slave Racket

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From the back:

The lure of the stage makes a perfect bait for enticing young girls into the nefarious white-slave trade. A dancing school is the perfect blind to cover up these activities. Little do the victims suspect what fate has in store for them until it is too late, too late to escape, almost too late for help

via via

Hot Dames on Cold Slabs


Three hot dames from a Middle Western tank-town head for the Big City to find rich husbands who they’d heard grew on trees. With little or no money they hitch-hiked into Chicago, and got a ride from a trucker who thought any dame was his for the asking. One night in the cheap hotel in which they registered was enough.
