Rogue Ship / Thunder In The Void

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Thunder in the Void Henry Kuttner

This fantastic Norman Saunders painting of a damsel in distress in space marks the 6,000th post here at PulpCovers. It was first published on the cover of Super Science Stories (complete issue here), and later on the cover of Illustration magazine’s 2nd issue. On April 4th, 2012, it will be published again as the cover of the short-story collection Thunder In The Void.

I want to thank everyone for following along for the last year, and I hope to keep bringing you the Best Of The Worst for as long as you can stand it.

Painting courtesy of David Saunders. Covers viavia, via

The Deathless Amazon


From the back:

They had congratulated themselves that she was dead. Had they not seen her die before their very eyes? And yet she lived! She stood before them in all her glorious beauty, cold hatred shining from her eyes, and they wondered what devilish plan her brilliant mind would evolve to wreak devastation and havoc on them in revenge. And then they found it necessary to ask her help. To pit her keen scientific knowledge and cunning brain against the forces of evil and destruction that threatened the whole of
Even THE GOLDEN AMAZON, arrogantly sure of power and mastery over men, wondered if she would be equal to the task.
