Send Our Top Demo Team To Destroy The Guns Of Oran Pass

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Magazine interior illustration, circa July 1963

This issue also included the cover story Yank Who Blocked A German Assault In A Strange Missile Sled, The Notorious Playdoll, and Marine Breakout From Shanghai’s “Compound For Banished Women”


The Black Avenger

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Dusty Ayres And His Battle Birds February 1935

Dusty swung the radio gun on a second Black ship. It burst into flame.

“To Captain Ayres: The greatest among us has died by your hand. We, the living, are pledged to avenge that loss. Within forty-eight hours you and your comrades will be wiped from the face of the earth. Nothing can save you!” This message, signed Ekar, was dropped on Dusty’s drome; at the same time another Yank air field nearby was wiped out by a new horror weapon – a flaming rain that destroyed everything it touched! How can America fight this new menace? How can she keep the Blacks from crossing her borders?’

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