At 16 She Knew All The Answers
From the back:
Passion Begins At Forty
When a man loses his zest for living and loving, and he’s completely soured on his wife, what can he do? Well … he can devote his life to quiet introspection, to reading, or he can immerse … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/teen-age-tramp/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Teen-Age Tramp</span></a>
At 16 She Knew All The Answers
From the back:
Passion Begins At Forty
When a man loses his zest for living and loving, and he’s completely soured on his wife, what can he do? Well … he can devote his life to quiet introspection, to reading, or he can immerse … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/teen-age-tramp/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Teen-Age Tramp</span></a>
At 16 She Knew All The Answers
From the back:
Passion Begins At Forty
When a man loses his zest for living and loving, and he’s completely soured on his wife, what can he do? Well … he can devote his life to quiet introspection, to reading, or he can immerse himself in good works.
None of these solutions occurred to Dan Morgan — certainly not after he met Bobbie, the Lolita of Cornwall High School … the nubile nymphet who set his forty-year-old heart fluttering. That was when he discovered that it wasn’t so much the new “woman” in his life, but the life in his new “woman” that revived his flagging spirits.
At the same time he learned that it is easier to arouse slumbering passions than it is to control them, and that when a man permits a teen-age sexpot to lead him to bed, he is jeopardizing his marriage and his career.