The Crimson Quirt4159132140_764010c6a4_o Cracks A Cow Town Murder via info headinginfo contentGun-Talk Cracks A Cow Town Murdervia
I suppose you have to buy the mag to find out what a quirt is. I hope it is not a wet fart, for humanity’s sake.Reply
A quirt is a double horse whip (the good guy took it from the bad guy’s hand, pictured on the left).Reply
If someone had quirted in front of my gal, and it came out crimson, then I’d have been pretty riled up as well.Reply
I suppose you have to buy the mag to find out what a quirt is. I hope it is not a wet fart, for humanity’s sake.
A quirt is a double horse whip (the good guy took it from the bad guy’s hand, pictured on the left).
No, that’s a shart.
If someone had quirted in front of my gal, and it came out crimson, then I’d have been pretty riled up as well.