Lion Books 48 1950 Story Of A Homosexual Spy From the back: The strong and delicate shape of her head was the same and her body was as I remembered it. Slim and straight as a boy’s, with small, high breasts and narrow hips and firm legs like a dancer’s . . . As he remembered it! The … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">The Dark Tunnel</span></a>
The Story Of A Homosexual Spy
From the back:
The strong and delicate shape of her head was the same and her body was as I remembered it. Slim and straight as a boy’s, with small, high breasts and narrow hips and firm legs like a dancer’s . . .
As he remembered it! The only difference was—this was not a woman but a man! A man who loved other men. A man who was a spy.
Cover signed “E. Walter” (bottom center, cut off).
Kenneth Millar is better known as Ross McDonald. It is a much better read than this cover and back would have you believe. Also, the story concerns a college professor during or right after WWII discovering nazi spies have been smuggled across the Canadian border. The homosexual spy is the villain and it was king of a major surprise/plot point in the third act. This cover is saying, buy this murder mystery and find out in the third act the killer is Bob.