Interesting quotes like :
Marcus : Money is all that matters. Well, I can get money! It’s easy to get money! All you have to do… is kill.
Or :
Prefect : I wonder why we Romans trouble ourselves with that wretched island? After it’s conquered, what good is it?
Marcus : Don’t you believe we can ever civilize the Britons?
Prefect : Those people? They’ll always be barbarians. What will they ever do?
Looking at the bizarre scene depicted in the cover, involving a geezer in drag with a bad perm being forcibly, um, dragged away from some concert by security, anybody can attest that, indeed, Pompeii is on its last legs…
From a still of the 1935 movie, apparently showing Preston Foster as Marcus :
Interesting quotes like :
Marcus : Money is all that matters. Well, I can get money! It’s easy to get money! All you have to do… is kill.
Or :
Prefect : I wonder why we Romans trouble ourselves with that wretched island? After it’s conquered, what good is it?
Marcus : Don’t you believe we can ever civilize the Britons?
Prefect : Those people? They’ll always be barbarians. What will they ever do?
Good stuff! :^)
Looking at the bizarre scene depicted in the cover, involving a geezer in drag with a bad perm being forcibly, um, dragged away from some concert by security, anybody can attest that, indeed, Pompeii is on its last legs…