He wanted only to live life as a human being but his lusts conspired against him.
From the back:
Pete Carson came out of jail with the firm resolve never again to spend time behind bars. He was determined to stay out of trouble.
His parole officer got him a job in Ed Thompson’s gas station as a grease monkey and his life began to run smoothly . . that is until luscious Zena Brandon entered the picture. She was his dream come true, a symbol of innocent girlhood that had for so long eluded him. He began to date Zena regularly, elevating her pedestal higher with each successive date. He was even contemplating asking her to marry him . . . until he learned the vicious, perverse reality that was her life!
Heartbroken and disillusioned he accepted the not-to-be-denied invitation from his boss’ seductive, but over-ripe wife and found that his woes deepened when she was found horribly raped right after he left her house.
His only refuge became a local ‘massage’ parlor where he knew that he got what he paid for . . . and he was willing to pay a lot for what he wanted.
Only when Cheryl, the ex-lesbian entered his life did he once again begin to exist the way he wanted . . . to prove that he could rise above his jungle origin and join life as a proud member of society.
John Duillo’s cover.
(Plate number is 1967 backwards, with letter D, initial of the artist).
Artist and not the author (Daniels) ?
Perhaps he should join a monastery.
The scavenger hunt had “gas station attendant” as the third item, but the girls were up to it.
“I’ll give you ‘Come on lambchops and let me fill your tank’ you perverted disgusting plebeian peasant!”