It is a razor’s edge, to depict a beautiful girl; one slip will fail, even for Bergey.
(Advertisers know that even success can be temporary; yesterday’s beauty can be risible today, and icons need overhauling now and then – viz. the mermaid of ‘Chicken of the Sea.’)
“Ha ha ha I’ve got you in this hammock now and you can’t move can you?” Girl gives anguished smile and thinks ‘Gawd, that hair oil smells like skunks farts – to say nothing of his breath. Thank goodness I’m wearing these flowers!’
Signed Earle Bergey (darker green on leaf, left).
It is a razor’s edge, to depict a beautiful girl; one slip will fail, even for Bergey.
(Advertisers know that even success can be temporary; yesterday’s beauty can be risible today, and icons need overhauling now and then – viz. the mermaid of ‘Chicken of the Sea.’)
1948, Barbara Stanwyck’s bumper bangs with Judy Garland’s face. Both famous but not that pretty.
“Ha ha ha I’ve got you in this hammock now and you can’t move can you?” Girl gives anguished smile and thinks ‘Gawd, that hair oil smells like skunks farts – to say nothing of his breath. Thank goodness I’m wearing these flowers!’