I wondered what the basis was for 1960s Man from UNCLE episodes. Lol.
Apparently it was Distressed Dudes from Pulp novels. And dangerous women from pulp novels.
The spy genre owes a lot to pulp novels in general.
(So irritating watching guys get beat up in so many shows or movies while a woman stands back not doing anything. Like, grab a gun or furniture or something, Lazy! Dude’s getting killed, try caring a little! Your arms aren’t broken!)
It’s not often you see “man in peril”.
There is a tag for guys being saved from peril by women.
I wondered what the basis was for 1960s Man from UNCLE episodes. Lol.
Apparently it was Distressed Dudes from Pulp novels. And dangerous women from pulp novels.
The spy genre owes a lot to pulp novels in general.
(So irritating watching guys get beat up in so many shows or movies while a woman stands back not doing anything. Like, grab a gun or furniture or something, Lazy! Dude’s getting killed, try caring a little! Your arms aren’t broken!)