Also featuring Cobra Death and Queen of the Congo Spearmen
Snappy Stories, January 18th 1916
Saucy Stories, April 1920
The Promise
D.O.A. Spells Murder
Day Dreams
Murder In The Bag
Blonde Cargo
Amazing Stories January 1958 This Day 50 Terran Females Suitable As Wives, Slaves, Sweethearts Martian Imports LTD. This entire issue can be downloaded here via
Amazing 58-01 0006-7 This Day 50 Terran Females Suitable As Wives, Slaves, Sweethearts Martian Imports LTD. This entire issue can be downloaded here via
Amazing 58-01 0023 This Day 50 Terran Females Suitable As Wives, Slaves, Sweethearts Martian Imports LTD. This entire issue can be downloaded here via
Amazing 58-01 0049 This Day 50 Terran Females Suitable As Wives, Slaves, Sweethearts Martian Imports LTD. This entire issue can be downloaded here via
Amazing 58-01 0075 This Day 50 Terran Females Suitable As Wives, Slaves, Sweethearts Martian Imports LTD. This entire issue can be downloaded here via
Amazing 58-01 0097 This Day 50 Terran Females Suitable As Wives, Slaves, Sweethearts Martian Imports LTD. This entire issue can be downloaded here via
Amazing 58-01 0121 This Day 50 Terran Females Suitable As Wives, Slaves, Sweethearts Martian Imports LTD. This entire issue can be downloaded here via
Auction This Day
50 Terran Females
Suitable As Wives, Slaves, Sweethearts
Martian Imports LTD.
This entire issue can be downloaded here