“Did ‘e say ‘Archers to the Front’? Sod that, chum. We always stay at the rear, not ‘aving no armour like you rich geezers!! And ya sharp swords and all this ‘eraldry rubbish. I don’t care if it IS the Battle to Keep a Nation Whole. You can take ya Clash of Steel and ya Blood of Adventurers and shove ’em up your privileged arse! Know what I mean, Guv!?”
Art by Marshall Frantz !
“Did ‘e say ‘Archers to the Front’? Sod that, chum. We always stay at the rear, not ‘aving no armour like you rich geezers!! And ya sharp swords and all this ‘eraldry rubbish. I don’t care if it IS the Battle to Keep a Nation Whole. You can take ya Clash of Steel and ya Blood of Adventurers and shove ’em up your privileged arse! Know what I mean, Guv!?”