The Payoff

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Janice put her body on the block as  — The Payoff — She made the first payment in his office.

From the back:

Sex On The Installment Plan

An ambitious wife can corrupt everyone she touches, especially if she has no moral qualms about how she uses her body. Janice was such a woman – she touched and corrupted. Once she started her payments in sex she could not stop. Even her lovely, young daughter was not spared the knowledge of how low this woman stooped to push her husband to the top.

Ironically, while Janice was paying with her body for her husband’s success, he was enjoying the fruits of that success – other women. In the end, confronted by her husband, Janice faced up to the most humiliating payoff of all.

via via

Dearest Mama


Lively, gay, and frequently very funny

And with this cover, we have crossed the 9,000 posts mark here at, Since I started this site in 2010, it has grown to include 1,179 unique tags, and literally tens of dedicated followers (feel free to introduce yourselves in the comments). We even outlasted our original webhost.

I suppose I will have to start planing something big for when we hit 10,000 posts. Hopefully, I’ll see you then.
