Backwater Woman paperback cover, 1957 Used Her Sex To Survive From the back: A Lusty Novel By The Author Of Riverboat Girl The peaceable, easy-livin’ houseboat folk up along the Slough had never seen a creature the likes of that backwater woman named Feline. Soon as she sashayed her saucy prettiness into Spike Rudd’s cabin, she stirred up a … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Backwater Woman</span></a>
34380000514_2068bf970a_o Used Her Sex To Survive From the back: A Lusty Novel By The Author Of Riverboat Girl The peaceable, easy-livin’ houseboat folk up along the Slough had never seen a creature the likes of that backwater woman named Feline. Soon as she sashayed her saucy prettiness into Spike Rudd’s cabin, she stirred up a … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Backwater Woman</span></a>
She Used Her Sex To Survive
From the back:
A Lusty Novel By The Author Of Riverboat Girl
The peaceable, easy-livin’ houseboat folk up along the Slough had never seen a creature the likes of that backwater woman named Feline. Soon as she sashayed her saucy prettiness into Spike Rudd’s cabin, she stirred up a torrent of greed, lust and violent jealousies. And all Miss Feline did was to wiggle a bit and display a good deal of her virginal charms. Not meaning any harm, mind you! For Feline was just an eager little gal wanting to reach straight up for a “man on top of the pile,” a man of property. How Feline got her man, and how she got the clan in a riotous uproar, with man against man and woman against woman and all of them against kitten-cunning Feline, makes for a roaringly ribald tale of lusty, earthy American primitives that you won’t soon forget.
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Have you ever seen a book about Ma Baker and her sons which looks a bit similar?
Nothing comes to mind
Tapwater Woman – Miss Feline moves to the city.