Branded Woman Came To Kill Beautiful jewel smuggler Cay Morgan landed in Mazatlán with a gun in her purse — and a vendetta in her heart. International jewelry smuggling may be a man’s business, but beautiful Cay Morgan can hold her own with the best. Until the day a shadowy rival known only as The Trader has … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Branded Woman</span></a>
21472420-11-BrandedWoman Came To Kill Beautiful jewel smuggler Cay Morgan landed in Mazatlán with a gun in her purse — and a vendetta in her heart. International jewelry smuggling may be a man’s business, but beautiful Cay Morgan can hold her own with the best. Until the day a shadowy rival known only as The Trader has … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Branded Woman</span></a>
She Came To Kill
Beautiful jewel smuggler Cay Morgan landed in Mazatlán with a gun in her purse — and a vendetta in her heart.
International jewelry smuggling may be a man’s business, but beautiful Cay Morgan can hold her own with the best. Until the day a shadowy rival known only as The Trader has her abducted and scarred for life as a warning to stay out of his way. Now Cay’s on her way to Mazatlán where one of The Trader’s men has been spotted. There’s a big deal going down—but she’s not there to make a score. Just to settle one.
via Hard Case Crime