Claim of the Fleshless Corpse

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Also, Murder Suspect, Murder Under Wraps, The House of Frogs, and The Case of the Astral Assassin

This entire issue can be downloaded here

4 thoughts on “Claim of the Fleshless Corpse”

    1. Looking over all of the 5 Detective Novels covers found on this blog:

      Meat of the Murder (dead ringer for Belarski)
      Claim of the Fleshless Corpse (dead ringer for Belarski)
      My Corpse Has Two Faces
      A Killer Needs Brains
      Murder Money (1950) (dead ringer for Belarski)

      they all channel Rudolph Belarski to some degree, but three of them especially so. And I’m absolutely sure the above cover is him. His Pulp Artists dot com page says he painted Detective Novel covers, so I assume that includes 5 Detective Novels.

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