3 thoughts on “Dead Man’s Pearls”

    1. One of the ways I use to spot a William F. Soare (besides a signature, that is; and yes, I will say this cover is Soare to my dying day) is to see whether the woman looks “hard” and “extremely detailed.”

      On Spicy-Adventure Stories there were three artists on a rotation: Parkhurst, Ward, Palmer and Soare. Soare’s women all look hard, as if they (and often the men and horses, equipment, etc.) were chiseled out of granite or made of porcelain and with a lot of exquisite detail; whereas Parkhurst’s women look so soft as to make one think of soft porn (at least, that’s what I think of when I see his paintings), and Palmer’s and Ward’s women all look soft, too, (but not as soft as Parkhurst’s). But I ain’t gonna analyze all these artists, the point is that none of the women of Parkhurst, Ward or Palmer look like they are made out of porcelain. Soare, though, paints porcelain.

      I don’t know how else to explain it, except to show it. The following is all Soare and notice the highly detailed “porcelain effect” of his paints:

      The Dragon of Kao Tsu
      Dead Man’s Pearls (above)
      Bandit Gold (not on this blog, as far as I know)
      Goddess of Terror
      The Walking Dead (her sheer nightgown is highly detailed and expertly done; the sheets have the “porcelain effect”)
      The Moon God Takes
      Corpseless Coffin (not on this blog, as far as I know)
      The Wolf Curse (not on this blog, as far as I know)
      Rider From Hell (beside the “porcelain effect,” the detail on that horse is exquisite)
      Range Law
      Bad Medicine (not on this blog, I think)
      Connoisseur Of Death (not on this blog, I think)
      Death’s Agent
      Find That Corpse!
      A Corpse To Bed

      Besides all that, he often uses the same model for multiple covers; but sometimes he changes the model, such as he did with the above cover.

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