https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/26167014-pulpfairgold1-658x1016.jpgOne dame was loaded with it. She had so much she didn’t seem to mind giving it away in ten thousand dollar chunks. But Donald Lam suspected blackmail… A mining company claimed they’d found tons of the stuff. Lam knew their stock was phony — but he invested a thousand bucks worth of sucker money… … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/gold-comes-in-bricks/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Gold Comes in Bricks</span></a>
https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/26167015-3028591342_c57cc8c159_z1.jpgOne dame was loaded with it. She had so much she didn’t seem to mind giving it away in ten thousand dollar chunks. But Donald Lam suspected blackmail… A mining company claimed they’d found tons of the stuff. Lam knew their stock was phony — but he invested a thousand bucks worth of sucker money… … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/gold-comes-in-bricks/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Gold Comes in Bricks</span></a>
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One dame was loaded with it. She had so much she didn’t seem to mind giving it away in ten thousand dollar chunks. But Donald Lam suspected blackmail…
A mining company claimed they’d found tons of the stuff. Lam knew their stock was phony — but he invested a thousand bucks worth of sucker money…
The girl at the cigar counter had hair that color. But every time Lam saw the light glint along her wavy tresses, he was reminded of the strands in a hangman’s rope…
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