Mystery Magazine (No Date) is an odd magazine. The cover is a straight copy of Dime Mystery July 1938, with the word Dime removed and a red border around it. There is no date, and it is not listed in Bookery’s Guide to Pulps. via
This is an odd magazine. The cover is a straight copy of Dime Mystery July 1938, with the word Dime removed and a red border around it. There is no date, and it is not listed in Bookery’s Guide to Pulps.
Judging by the price it was probably a British reprint edition. I thought that those were only published in the 50s, and with the full masthead. This might have been an Ashcan edition.
According to :
“Publishers : William C. Merrett, Ltd., London, England.
Seemingly a one-shot that reprinted a single story from Dime Mystery Magazine (circa 1946).
The cover states that “The Werewolf of Wall Street” by Edith & Ejler Jacobson is also in the issue, but it isn’t.”
I guess they had to remove “dime” because the price was 2 shillings and maybe “2 Shillings Mystery Magazine” didn’t sound right :)