Lion Book 171 (1953) carried 129,000 Tons Of Explosive Oil — And A TNT Woman! Somehow, this is the third book with this title I have posted. From the back: The ship was a seam-split-ting, creaking, leaking, stinking barge. It would get by. The captain was a fat, foul-mouthed, drunken bum. He’d do The crew was cutthroat, cunning, … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Hot Cargo (1953)</span></a>
Lion Book 171 (1953) Back carried 129,000 Tons Of Explosive Oil — And A TNT Woman! Somehow, this is the third book with this title I have posted. From the back: The ship was a seam-split-ting, creaking, leaking, stinking barge. It would get by. The captain was a fat, foul-mouthed, drunken bum. He’d do The crew was cutthroat, cunning, … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Hot Cargo (1953)</span></a>
They carried 129,000 Tons Of Explosive Oil — And A TNT Woman!
Somehow, this is the third book with this title I have posted.
From the back:
The ship was a seam-split-ting, creaking, leaking, stinking barge.
It would get by.
The captain was a fat, foul-mouthed, drunken bum.
He’d do
The crew was cutthroat, cunning, and crooked.
It did its work.
And the one female passenger was young. lovely, and willing. But she was a lighted torch to the inflamed passions of 19 men… and when she was bored with lusting, she turned her devil’s mind to the biggest thrill of her life—She put a match to the cargo: 129,000 tons of high explosive oil.
Cover art by Robert Maguire.
Come on, it is an easily enticing title.
No wonder it has been used so often.