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He Tampered With Nature’s Laws To Change A Monkey Into A Death-Dealing Gorilla Bigger Than Human Eyes Had Ever Seen

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8 thoughts on “Konga”

  1. The novelization of the movie based on a Charleton comic! Given DC bought most of the Charleton properties, is this the first move in the DCEU? I’m looking forward to Zack Snyder’s Konga reboot. MAKE IT MORE GREY AND DREARY!

  2. What documentation is there for calling the artist Kelly Freas? It has neither his signature nor his logo and ISFdb does not ascribe an artist to this cover.

  3. The way I see it, if you tamper with nature’s laws to change a monkey into a death-dealing gorilla bigger than human eyes have ever seen, you deserve whatever you get.

  4. Since Freas’ name got attached to this cover based on opinion, you could at least put question marks after it if not remove it altogether.

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