It must be Tom Lovell. The signature says, “Tom-somethingorother.” Tom Lovell was the only Tom working on that series at that time. (He did most of the issues.) Besides, the style fits.
For a signature comparison, see the following two covers which were done by Lovell and notice that these signatures fit the signature of the above cover:
A tag “telephone” would be relevent by now.
I assume it would be a bit of work !
It must be Tom Lovell. The signature says, “Tom-somethingorother.” Tom Lovell was the only Tom working on that series at that time. (He did most of the issues.) Besides, the style fits.
For a signature comparison, see the following two covers which were done by Lovell and notice that these signatures fit the signature of the above cover:
Right, Tom Lovell’s art confirmed.
“Hoi! Do you mind!? I’m trying to ring the Tanbark rackateers. Some people are just SO RUDE! So stick that in ya anatole, Feldman!!”