https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/19186126174-midwood-books-f257-joan-ellis-once-too-often-658x1111.jpgMarried too young, she strayed and played — Once Too Often From the back: SIN-SPREE DRILLED in the art of love as a girl, taught to tease and tantalize and yet say no… DEALT to the one man willing to pay the price for her virginity … DEGRADED by the husband who treated her more like … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/once-too-often/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Once Too Often</span></a>
Married too young, she strayed and played — Once Too Often
From the back:
DRILLED in the art of love as a girl, taught to tease and tantalize and yet say no…
DEALT to the one man willing to pay the price for her virginity …
DEGRADED by the husband who treated her more like a prostitute than a bride …
DRIVEN by her erotic hungers into the eager arms of another man …
DISGRACED when caught in an act too depraved to defend.