The Wild Place (Original Title: Giants Should be Gelded)

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The Furious Story Of An Angry Man

From the back:

Peter Blenner — a man betrayed, vilified, and tormented by his family, his friends, and even his women.

Peter Blenner — a man thrust into a savage world of bitterness and suspicion, of listening for sounds that were not there, of feeling the whole alien city pressing upon him.

Driven relentlessly, Peter Blenner soared to the peak of passion, balanced there, and then plunged straight toward the depths of degradation in the back streets of Paris…


The Hoods Come Calling

45070217-135 Nick Quarry (Marvin H Albert) The Hoods Come Calling GM 058[1]

She knew too much — far too much — and she had to die before she talked

From the back:

I stared down at the body of my wife. There was a lot of time and a lot of booze between Carla and me. I didn’t love her any more and I understood now that she was just a tramp. But even she hadn’t deserved to die like this, beaten and battered so that she was a mockery of what she had been alive. My name’s Jake Barrow and I’m a pretty good private eye. A pretty good man on the scent. I’ll find Carla’s nameless and faceless killers and before I get through with them, they’ll beg to die…


The Cage


Caught in the International White Slave Traffic, she found herself in… The Cage

From the back:

A beauty contest! Surely there could be no harm in entering, even though it would go against the wishes of her parents and friends. She really did not expect to win, so it would be just for laughs.

But Virginia Hoyle did win! And received aft the publicity and notoriety that only a top-flight newspaper sponsoring such a contest can arrange. Publicity that made her famous overnight, and swept her off her feet. Too famous perhaps, for Virginia found herself a pawn in the desperate struggle between the leaders of the sinister White Slave Traffic. She became one of the lost women of the world, women who have no rights, no privacy, and who must submit to all the degradations and cruelties that few can imagine.

via Greg McCambley