Plaything of Passion

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Archer Books No.57 1951

Mad, unholy desire, strange diabolical hate, and all-consuming love reveals itself in this novel.

From the back:

“I wish you’d leave me alone”, whispered Vivien. “If it’s only amusement you want, why don’t you get some other woman.”
Jeanette Revere spins a true to life tale of a woman who became imprisoned by the possessive passion of a ruthless lover. Lionel, motivated by a lust for revenge subjects Vivien to every cruelty imaginable in his love making. Innocent though she is the mesh of Lionel’s vicious passion is wound tighter and tighter around her until there is no escape.
The mad, unholy desire, the strange diabolical hate and the all-consuming love is revealed in this realistically told novel. It is packed with a breathless emotion which fires the imagination and holds the reader in the grip of fascination throughout.

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Drums of Destiny

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A tempestuous novel of passion, revolution and high adventure!

From the back:

“Aren’t my kisses worth anything?”

He looked into her tempting, unscrupulous eyes and for answer pressed his lips against her sensuous mouth. Thus did Phebe, honey-colored dancing girl of Saint-Dominigue, light devils of desire in Duncan Stewart. Thus did Phebe come to symbolize Haiti itself, enchanting island with the power to turn men to swine. Wanted for murder in London, Stewart stayed on in the Paris of the West Indies. He practiced medicine amoung voodoo-worshiping blacks in whose veins revolt flowed like molten lava. He won the friendship of men like Toussaint and Henri the First and ultimately played a part in the deadliest, lustiest pageant in the entire history of the Western Hemisphere!

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