https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/26597706-5743316885_302cc98b46_o1-658x1095.jpg“What did he have that every woman wanted?” A car, apparently. “A restless suburban wife — her thirsting teen-age daughter — her husband’s voluptuous mistress… All three were at the tender mercy of the handsome man-servant!” From the back: UNFAITHFUL WIFE .. . . AND FAITHLESS HUSBAND! Why stop at meeting the man in a … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/private-chauffeur/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Private Chauffeur</span></a>
Intimate Novels Digest #15 1952
https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Intimate-Novels-Digest-15-1952-658x895.jpg“What did he have that every woman wanted?” A car, apparently. “A restless suburban wife — her thirsting teen-age daughter — her husband’s voluptuous mistress… All three were at the tender mercy of the handsome man-servant!” From the back: UNFAITHFUL WIFE .. . . AND FAITHLESS HUSBAND! Why stop at meeting the man in a … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/private-chauffeur/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Private Chauffeur</span></a>
“What did he have that every woman wanted?”
A car, apparently.
“A restless suburban wife — her thirsting teen-age daughter — her husband’s voluptuous mistress… All three were at the tender mercy of the handsome man-servant!”
From the back:
Why stop at meeting the man in a hotel, Dolores Carter asked herself. Why not bring him home as your chauffeur? It was easy enough to make the arrangements. Her money let her do as she pleased. It had destroyed her husband’s medical career — forced upon him an unwilling mistress —turned him into a man who inflicted pain for the joy of it —made of his daughter a love-hungry adventuress. But this was the last straw, the final act of emasculation Dolores had contrived for him . . .
On these pages are laid bare, as by a keen, cold scalpel, the minds of people caught up in an emotional tornado. Tearing away the masks by which they conceal their dark deeds even from themselves, the novel exposes the subtle ties which bind innocence to guile, good to evil . . . and three unhappy women to the Private Chauffeur.
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Second cover is by George Gross.