Rancher’s QuestRanch Romances April 3rd 1955 https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Ranch-Romances-April-3rd-1955.jpgAlso, No Guns For Sodbusters via info headinginfo contentAlso, No Guns For Sodbustersvia
Cranking up the screen brightness and turning the color back on, I now see there’s a blurry signature. It appears to be Kirk Wilson. marc can confirm it. It’s to the right of the chair at the bottom written in faint pink.Reply
Cranking up the screen brightness and turning the color back on, I now see there’s a blurry signature. It appears to be Kirk Wilson. marc can confirm it. It’s to the right of the chair at the bottom written in faint pink.
Kirk Wilson confirmed (if ever needed).