Kozy K100 1960
https://pulpcovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Kozy-K100-1960.jpgKozy K100 is a rare short story anthology by Charles Miron. It looks like the editors at Kozy Books could never decide what to call this book. The spine, back cover and page 5 inside call it SEXTORIES. The front cover, title page and copyright page (page 4) call it BLUEPRINT 6:06 – UNCHAINED – … <a href="https://pulpcovers.com/sextories/" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Sextories</span></a>
Kozy K100 is a rare short story anthology by Charles Miron. It looks like the editors at Kozy Books could never decide what to call this book. The spine, back cover and page 5 inside call it SEXTORIES. The front cover, title page and copyright page (page 4) call it BLUEPRINT 6:06 – UNCHAINED – SPIDER IN THE NIGHT. There are seven stories inside, one a novella called “Unchained” in parentheses. Another is “Spiders in the Night” and, most curiously of all, one is “Blueprint 6:09”