Can a mature but still seductive woman win, hold and satisfy a younger man?
Can a man of fifty, however strong, win, hold and satisfy a pretty young girl?
From the back:
This is the unusually frank story of Barry St. Clair, fifty-year-old scholar, trim and virile. He falls under the spell of Lori, a teasing and promiscuous gamin.
This is the story of Roy Hayes, age twenty-five, who al-most gets his uncle’s young bride for himself. Their love affair takes a surprising turn.
This is also the story of beautiful Avis Morgan, maturely sensuous, warmly needful. Hungering for a youthful sweetheart, she tempts Roy with her money, her sophistication and, above all, her body. Does an older person, male or female lack the strength to hold a young lover… or is it the other way around?