
Archer Books No.72 1951 thumbnail
Archer 1951 thumbnail
Archer Books No.72 1951
Archer 1951

At sixteen she was sweet, innocent and un-awakened; she had never been kissed and was puzzled by her feelings of feverish excitement whenever a man put his arm around her; she had the body of a woman, voluptuous and tempting, and was completely ignorant of the promise which it held.

Turned out of her home by an over-strict mother, Lilirose sets out to solve the riddle of Life. Almost immediately she learns that she must pay a price for her ignorance of the ways of men. Bitterly disillusioned, Lilirose travels downward on a road filled with misery and disgrace; the familiar road leading from an engagement as a party girl to ‘entertaining’ in smoke-filled night spots, to finding herself tricked into boarding a boat bound for the South Seas and a fate holding new terror and humiliations. Will Lilirose find the life she is seeking?

Paul Renin once again gives you a novel packed with fiery emotions and breathtaking suspense.

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This Kill Is Mine (Original Title: No Slightest Whisper)

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From the back:

When you hire out to a crooked million, you can expect your pay in mayhem! But there were compensations, Arnold Weir figured. A couple of prime blondes — a couple of prime emeralds . . .  And what did he have to lose, except somebody else’s life?
Of course, the things he could not lose produced all the trouble! Like the cop named John Doe.The homicide trail leading straight to his own door. The girls—and the goons—and the weirdest murderer ever to stalk a city …
