
Midwood Books 32-492, 1965 thumbnail
Midwood 32-492 1965 thumbnail
Midwood 32-492, 1965 thumbnail
Midwood 32-492, 1965 back thumbnail
Midwood Books 32-492, 1965
Midwood 32-492 1965
Midwood 32-492, 1965
Midwood 32-492, 1965 back

His nights belonged to the man-hungry widow who paid his salary… his days to her hot-eyed daughter who wouldn’t leave him alone!

From the back:

THE WIDOW—sex-starved and tormented by her own shameless need, a need so strong and so uncontrollable that she found herself sharing a man with her daughter!
THE DRIFTER—young and virile, a healthy animal who enjoyed catering to the desperate needs of the female guests at the farm as well as to those of the woman who owned it!
THE TEENAGER—restless and ripe, she had a weakness for men with muscles, men who looked good in tight pants, men who knew how to change a girl into a woman!

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Winner Take All

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Midwood 32-522, 1965 thumbnail
Midwood 32-522, 1965

The inside story of the beauty contest racket and the star-struck young girls it corrupts!!

From the back:

The Finalists
Jeanne… the day she received the telegram, she was in a hotel room, sprawled nakedly across a mussed bed beside a snoring man whose name she couldn’t recall.
Louise… the evening she received her telegram, she was in the midst of teaching her youthful boyfriend exactly how she expected him to treat her… and please her.
Patti… the afternoon she received the telegram, she was throwing a very special cocktail party for a small group of very intimate friends … all of them very attractive and very feminine.

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Henry’s Wife

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Midwood PBO 137 Back

She Cheated Once Too Often
A searing story of a woman with no morals in a small town full of bored husbands!

From the back:

Husband Stealer!
Some women are born to lust after other women’s men. Jean Thornton was one of them. And operating in a small, New England town such as Wal ton full of tradition and bored husbands, Jean had a field day. She wasn’t satisfied with wrecking homes. She nearly wrecked the whole town. Walton was a dot on the map when she moved there. It was a smear when she left.
